Positioning / Re-Positioning Strategies

Very often, time and financial constraints do not allow product modification or development of new products, or of existing distribution channels as components of brand strategy. Repositioning, in such instances, must adopt more expedient measures in meeting...

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Brand Asset Value

The most important outcome of a sound brand strategy is the enhancement the brand’s Asset Value. Embrand works with specialists to assess Brand Asset Value as a benchmark for setting goals for Brand Strategy. In setting Brand Asset Value as a goal, Embrand studies the...

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Brand Architecture Development

For brands with a portfolio of products, Embrand examines the consistency of the relationship that each consumer segment has with the brand, and thus guide the rationalisation of product portfolios that is often necessary for brand and fiscal efficiency. This also...

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Product Strategy and Product Development

For consumers, experiences with products (including service products) are the primary proof of a brand’s intent – whether that intent be implicit, or explicit in terms of advertised slogans or vision/mission statements – and the first, and sometimes the only, bridge...

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Brand Strategy

All choices made by consumers, and the resultant transactions, are driven by perceived Value, where Value is (Perceived) benefits divided by price. Strategies focused on altering value through pricing are about commoditisation, where products from one source can be...

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